I want to talk about the book which ı read previous week.The name of the books is 'The Boleyn Inheritance'.It is about England's king Henry 8 and his wifes..Being married to England's King Henry 8 was a dangerous business.It could easily cost you your life.Now ıam goind to tell you Henry's life.
Henry 8 is one of the most famous characters in English history.As a young man he was handsome and extremly athleti,and according to contemporary accounts.everyone thought he was extremly attractive.He was a horseman,shooter with a bow and arrow and also musician.The one thing Henry was not very good at having sons.He married six different women to try and produce a male heir to the throne,but his only son from all these marriages died when he was 14 years old.However,his two daughters both became queens of England.
Now,ı am going to talk about Henry's wifes.His first wife was Catherine of Aragon(1485_1536)
Daughter of Spain's king.She married Arthur,eldest son of henry 7,but when he died she married his brother Henry 8.She had one daughter (Mary)who later became queen of england.However Catherine had no son so Henry divorced her tomarry Anne Boleyn,a women ha'd fallen in love with.
His second wife was Anne Boleyn(1507_1536) Henry fell in love with her when he was still married.Anne had a daughter called Elizabeth who later became queen Elizabeth1 but no son.When Henry got tired of her they found a reason to accuse her of crimes against the king.She was found guilty and executed by having her head cut off.
His third wife was Jane seymour(1509_1537) Henry fell in love with Lane while he was still married to Anne Boleyn.After Anne's executed he married Jane and in 1537, she produced a son ,Edward 6,but died herself 12 days later .When Henry died Edward became king at the age of nine,but died five years later.
His fourth wife was Anne of Cleves(1515_1557)After Jane's death Henry was extremely unhappy.But an artist brought him back a portrait of Anne of Cleves.She seemed beatiful and marriage to her was good politics.But when Henry swa her ,he thought she was ugly and never liked her.They were married for six month before Henry divoerced her.
His fifth wife was Catherine Howard(1526_1542)Catherine was the niece of the Duke of Norfolk,one of the most important men in the country after the king.She was married Henry when she was 14.But less than two years later she was accused of lovig someone elseand was executed.
His last wife was Catherine Parr(1512_1548) Henry's last wife was the one,people said,who could best control king.Henry,who was ill and fat,loved her in his way.Catherine was still alive when Hnery died.She remarried but died in childbirth a year later.